Purple Polygon Moai style avatars inspired by the unique color and shape reminiscent of the polygon network and the ancient monolithic statues of the Rapa Nui people living on Easter Island.

The oversized heads were seen as a symbol of status and authority. Some viewed them as a way to honor ancestors, while others believed that the Moai could store the spirits of powerful beings.

The Poly Moai NFT Collection is exclusive to the polygon network, featuring a series of high quality, expressive and animated polygonal digital Moai heads in a rich violet tone.

Lucky collectors will be able to mint a rare animated "POLY MOAI" during the limited minting time period.

Open source systems were used exclusively in the creation of this collection, such as Linux, AMD ROCM, and stable diffusion. Generations made offline, locally. Edited or modified with GIMP. Created by Setvin for distribution on the OpenSea digital collectible platform.

225 high quality collectible images

2024 Trashware.Art


 Full Collection: 


NFTs are collectibles which live on the blockchain in a digital format.

Finding and collecting unique NFTS has become an enjoyable an hobby for many as the world transitions to a more digital lifestyle.

NFTs have also become a direct way for artists to engage and interact with their audiences, or become discovered.

NFTs being minted on the blockchain ensures that there can only be one unique item per mint, and that no one can create duplicates without being obvious.

Because NFTs are minted on a working blockchain, they can be safely traded or sold, but price appreciation is not guaranteed.


