Cyber Apes - Ape out of Time (FUTURE)



Cyber Apes - Apes out of Time is a series of trading card sets featuring Cyber Ape characters in scenes throughout time - which can be minted, collected, traded or sold.

Ape out of Time FUTURE is the second set in the Cyber Apes NFT card series. There is only one of each card, making them individually unique.

1,000,000 years from now, apes have taken over the world and have learned to use the technology we left behind. The Cyber Apes have gained access to inter-dimensional time travel technology and are able to visit an infinite possible versions of the world in any time period.

Collectors can expect to visit ancient Egypt, Rome, the prehistoric neolithic era, and more. You wont want to miss out on this "out of this world" collection!

An NFT mint is like opening a pack of cards, but with digital collectibles. You can participate in this drop by minting at least one item.

These collectible NFTs are available to mint for a low cost at a fixed time, to ensure that they are distributed fairly and openly.

Once you have generated at least one NFT using the the mint function, your wallet will be sent a temporary placeholder until all NFTs are minted in this collection.

Once all remaining NFTs are minted, your placeholder will transform into a unique collectible. At that time the entire collection will also become revealed and finalized on the blockchain.

Owners may trade, keep or even sell their generated collectible once the mint has finalized and all items have become revealed. Good luck!

Powered by Linux, AMD ROCm, and diffusion techniques. Generations made offline, locally. Edited or modified with GIMP. Created by Setvin for distribution on OpenSea.







